Banjar Municipality Regsosek Officer Candidate Recruitment 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjar Municipality

Banjar Municipality Regsosek Officer Candidate Recruitment 2022

 Banjar Municipality Regsosek Officer Candidate Recruitment 2022

September 6, 2022 | Other Activities

Banjar, 6 September 2022 - One of the structural reforms in the government's work plan for 2021 and 2022 is the reform of a comprehensive social protection system for the entire population. The main requirement for the success of these reforms is through the transformation of the Social Economic Registration (Regsosek) data for the entire population. This is an effort to change the provision of sectoral socio-economic data into integrated and robust data covering: a) coverage of the entire population of Indonesia; b) the same standards and methodologies; c) regular updates; d) easily accessible; and e) easy to share.

In this regard, BPS will conduct an initial data collection of Regsosek throughout Indonesia on October 15 - November 14, 2022.

Specifically in Banjar Municipality, the implementation of Regsosek data collection requires 331 officers. For this reason, Statistics of Banjar Municipality opens opportunities for people who are interested in becoming candidates for the initial Regsosek data collection officer in the Banjar City area.

Other terms and conditions related to recruitment can be accessed via the link below:

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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