Announcement of Administrative Selection Results for ST2023 Processing Officer Candidates - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjar Municipality

Announcement of Administrative Selection Results for ST2023 Processing Officer Candidates

Announcement of Administrative Selection Results for ST2023 Processing Officer Candidates

June 16, 2023 | BPS Activities

Banjar, 16 June 2023 - Until the registration deadline, the number of registrants at SOBAT has reached 181 people. The selection committee for ST2023 processing officer candidates has examined administrative files and fulfilled registration procedures. The results of the examination concluded that the number of applicants who passed the administrative selection was 124 people. The names that pass the administrative selection can be seen on the link:

The next stage is the stage I test. This test is in the form of a competency test which consists of:
1. Typing Test
2. Computer Operation Test
3. Data Check Test

The test schedule and steps for carrying out the phase I test can be seen in the announcement above.

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